Recap of City Council Meeting - 10/26/22 - by Councilmember Hines and Approved by Mayor Rasco

October 26th Special Council Meeting

Submitted by Councilmember Debra Hines and approved by Mayor Jeff Rasco

Note from Mayor Rasco: I apologize for being tardy getting this recap published. Councilmember Hines sent it for approval shortly after the meeting, but it languished in my inbox. JR

Regular Agenda:

Item 1: Ride to End Alzheimers special event permit was approved.

Item 2: Grant Works was unanimously approved to be the administrator of the Community Development Block Grant application for the City. They submitted the best application and received the best rating by the ad hoc application review committee. This process was required as part of the grant application. Grant Works fees will come from the grant if it is awarded to the city. They handle managing deadlines and writing of the grant. The Texas Department of Agriculture sets the fee rate Grant Works can charge and it is capped at 16%. The grant is projected to be used for drainage and road work.

Item 3: TLC Engineering was unanimously approved as the engineer for the Block Grant work should the grant receive funding. Once funded, this firm will begin a project overview, scope and sequence. Their fees will be paid out of the grant and the selection of this firm in addition to the ad hoc review committee were a part of the requirements for this grant process. Council approved the appointment of one Councilmember and one Platinum Panel member to be selected to oversee the Block Grant process to completion in coordination with Grant Works. This selection process will occur after the election. Currently, Councilmember Grummert has been overseeing this process. Mayor Pro Tem LeBrun has been working as liaison to the Platinum Panel to identify areas for which this grant could be of service.

Item 4: Council unanimously accepted the recommendations from the Ordinance Review Committee to edit the Garage Sale and Garage Sale Signs portion of the code of ordinances. Councilmember Hines will draft an ordinance based on those suggestions and those made by Council to be presented at the November regular meeting.

Item 5: Council unanimously approved the first annual Community Garage Sale event, setting it to occur the weekend before the bulk item disposal service from Waste Connections. Council approved sending the item to the Parks & Recreation Board to see if they would like to take it up as one of their events, but they have the option to pass if they wish. City Secretary Suzanne Mac Kenzie has been authorized to coordinate the planning and execution of the event if the Parks Board declines. Participation in the event will include a $10 fee to be donated to the Parks Budget line item and will place the location of sale on the map of garage sale locations to visit.

Item 6: The Hotel Occupancy Tax Ordinance was postponed for up to 90 days to allow for the formation of a Hotel Occupancy Tax Committee. Council voted to post an advertisement in the paper for the Committee in order to draw participants from local businesses. A public hearing is not required for the City to increase the tax rate from the current 0%. The proposed amount for the increase would be 7% if passed. Business owners and residents interested in joining the HOT committee should contact the City.

Item 7: Council unanimously passed the Hotel Tax Occupancy Committee Ordinance which will form a regulatory body to oversee the collection and use of the restricted funds to be generated by this tax if passed. The first task of the Committee will be to discuss the tax and its implementation in order to serve as an informative and discussion-oriented body to assist with contacting local businesses and creating community involvement in the topic.

Item 8: Executive session occurred to discuss personnel matters. No action was taken during the meeting. Post executive session it was announced that Mayor Rasco will send a formal employment agreement to Kevin Rule to serve as City Manager for the City of Woodcreek. The hiring of the City Manager is subject to Council approval, but it is under the purview of the Mayor to negotiate this contract and make the offer for employment.