Recap April 18, 2023 City Council Workshop, Submitted by Councilmember Debra Hines and approved by Mayor Jeff Rasco

Recap April 18, 2023 City Council Workshop

Submitted by Councilmember Debra Hines and approved by Mayor Jeff Rasco

Councilmember Bob Hambrick was absent. Mayor Rasco was on video chat.

Item 5: (was moved up to allow for public comment) Council approved allowing a citizen led Community Garden to utilize city land at City Hall for a community garden. Phase 1 will be in the fenced area beside the shed at City Hall. This is a temporary start and jumping off point to the larger garden space beside the water tower along RR12. The larger space will need some buildout before it is viable. If you would like information about joining the community garden please contact Claire Palmer and Cheryl Mills, the Citizen Community Garden leaders, at There will be no cost to the City for this effort at this time, it will all be volunteer driven and box fees can be used to offset the cost of any water used. There will be an annual report provided to Council on the collection and use of citizen funds for the Community Garden project provided by Community Garden leaders.

Council has directed the Parks and Recreation Board to look at viable options for creating a dog park. One location discussed was the existing park space across Woodcreek Dr. From Veteran's Memorial Plaza.

Item 1: Council provided new direction for the Ordinance Review Committee to look at the Animal Control and Fireworks Ordinances. The goal being to have them look at specific ordinances that directly impact citizens.

Item 2: Council sent the proposed changes from the Ordinance Review Committee to the existing Ad Hoc workgroup to finalize. These changes touch Health and Sanitation and Zoning.

Item 3: Council directed Mayor Rasco, Staff and Councilmember Hambrick to revamp the Neighbor-to-Neighbor program. Discussion on this item surrounded gathering new contact information, planning a launch event, and ways to keep neighbors engaged throughout the year rather than just in an emergency. The Neighborhood Watch did not gain traction.

Item 4: Council directed Councilmember Grummert to continue working on Citizen Mobility grants with Grant Works and to come back with a task list for the City to start planning how to implement walking trails.

Item 5: (was moved to the start)

Item 6: Council approved the K.Friese bid for work authorization for the scope of the engineering efforts needed for the road work and bond issuance.

Item 7: Council sent the proposed changes to Health and Sanitation and Zoning to the existing Ad-Hoc workgroup for finalization before they will come back to Council via legal and Planning and Zoning.